AI-READI Modules
The project team is structured into several modules, each leading a key aspect. A list of the modules and links to their pages is below.
Data Acquisition
Develop and implement a protocol that will generate a diverse and ethically-sourced dataset for the study of type 2 diabetes
Ethical and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Establishing ethical guidelines for sharing AI-ready datasets
Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives
A cross disciplinary PEDP Committee focused on better understanding and finding tangible, equitable strategies to enhance diversity in the realm of AI/ML and health.
Skills & Workforce Development
Developing a diverse AI/ML-biomedical research workforce.
Establishing standards for preparing and sharing AI-ready datasets
Applying and advancing team science while transforming our AI-READI project from a multidisciplinary endeavor into a high-performing, interdisciplinary collaboration.
Developing tools and software for managing, curating, and sharing AI-ready datasets
Managing the project and its resources.